
Scott Duncan
Founder and President

Scott Duncan
Scott has over 20 years of experience with design and fabrication of custom Automated Surface Vessels (ASVs) for ocean data collection. In 2000 he designed and built the first Navocean sail-powered prototype, the “mini-Nav I”, as a proof-of-concept for the University of Washington Applied Physics Laboratory (APL). The success of the mini-Nav led to demand for 2 semi-autonomous catamarans, funded by marine mammal research grants from the University of Washington and University of British Columbia. Scott went on to receive grants from the Maine Technology Institute in collaboration with the Physical Oceanography Group at the University of Maine to further develop sail powered ASV prototypes, the original “Nav2” and a larger “Nav3”. Scott founded Navocean Inc in 2016.

Ethan Arutunian

Ethan Arutunian
Ethan has over 25 years experience as a software developer, technical architect, and technical manager. His expertise includes a solid mix of controls and electronics, client-server architectures, UI design, database design, mobile Apps, and web architectures. Prior projects include development and deployment of an autonomous robotic system for DNA sample preparation and sequencing, a semi-autonomous electric catamaran for underwater sonar data retrieval, underwater passive sonar array and associated digital signal processing, and several implementations of GIS mapping user-interfaces. Ethan has published over a dozen Apps on iTunes and Google Play including several award-winning Apps.
Ethan has a M.S.E.E. degree in Controls and Robotics from the University of Washington and Bachelor degrees in Math, Comp-Sci, and Physics from Whitman College.

Stuart Lochner
Sales and Mission Support
Stuart Lochner20160609_224237731_ios

With over 100,000 miles logged at sea, Stuart brings a wealth of maritime experience to Navocean. From 2012-14 he served as a Mission Support Specialist for Liquid Robotics piloting WaveGlider ASV’s and performing mission planning and customer support. Most recently, he was Director of Logistics, Training and Safety for Oceangate Inc., developing revolutionary new subsea manned submersibles. Stuart completed Navy ROTC at the University of Idaho, has served as a ship’s officer for 5 years on active duty in the Pacific Fleet, and retired from the Navy in 2011 at the rank of Commander. He is a licensed USCG 200 ton master, was an Outward Bound School seamanship instructor, full-time private yacht and vessel delivery captain, and has captained numerous sailboat races to Hawaii and Mexico.

Dan Wood
Software, Sensor Integration, Mission Support
Dan Wood
Dan puts his UMaine Computer Science degree to work with 18+ years of experience as a software developer in the communications, financial, and medical industries. He also spent time working as a commercial ground fisherman in the Gulf of Maine, and sailing and transporting boats along coastal Maine.

John Duncan
Financial Advisor

John Duncan
John has thirty years of Operating and Financial experience as a CFO, COO, or IT executive. John served as CFO for, which in 2004 was the #41 fastest growing private company. He has completed a successful IPO and more than 50 private investment offerings, raising over $300 million. John was a leader of bank automation in the U.S., including key roles in launching cash machines, Debit Cards and 24/7 on-line banking.

John H. Cragin II
Coast Guard and Contracting Advisor
John Cragin
John was most recently a Master in the U.S. Merchant Marine for 20 years (Now Retired). In addition he prior served 22 years in the United States Coast Guard, including: assignments as a Coast Guard base comptroller, Contracting Officer, Budget Branch Chief – First Coast Guard District, and Operations Officer/Navigator on a high endurance Coast Guard cutter.